Project Manager: Awejan Emmanuel
Project Coordinator: Ngonge Meiva
Project Sponsor: GoGreen Technologies(GG TECH)
Resource Manager: Mapong Louise
Problem Statement of Youth Career Pathways Initiative: Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders
In Buea, a big difference exists between what young people want to do as jobs and the different jobs that are available. Many teens don’t get good advice about careers and often choose based on what they want, not what society needs. Parents try to help, but sometimes they guide their kids using old ideas about the job market that worked in their time, which makes things worse. As a result, lots of youths study subjects and follow career paths that don’t match up with today’s job market leaving us with workers who aren’t ready for current job needs.

This issue has an impact on more than just the people involved – it affects the whole community and economy too. Many students don’t realize until it’s too late that they didn’t focus on the right subjects in high school. This limits their choices for college and forces them into career paths they’re not interested in or suited for. When people end up in the wrong careers, it creates a workforce that’s not engaged or prepared. This leads to more unemployment, a stagnant economy, and less contribution to the community’s growth. What’s more, the lack of career guidance makes gender inequalities worse for young women. They might face even more challenges in their work lives because of this.
The “Youth Career Pathways Initiative: Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders” project aims to tackle this crucial issue by offering complete career guidance for young people (teenagers in secondary (form 4 and 5) and high school (lower sixth and upper sixth). The project will include job info sessions to teach students about different career choices, what the job market looks like, and what they need for various paths. Workshops will help students set achievable goals, make smart choices, and know their strong and weak points. Also, parents will get involved to support their kids’ career decisions better. The project will also give advice on important subjects in high school and teach young people business skills, getting them ready for both regular jobs and starting their own businesses.
If we don’t tackle this problem, Buea will keep facing high jobless rates, slow economic growth, and lasting gender gaps. The “Youth Career Pathways Initiative: Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders” project aims to equip the next wave of leaders, thinkers, and business starters with the right mindset especially when it comes to career paths. This plan makes sure we have a skilled, driven, and gender-balanced workforce ready to take on what’s ahead.
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