Skilled Workforce Achievements so Far!
Our plan tackles the pressing need to build skills while also helping young people grow in all areas. We set up mentoring to change how they think and work. We team up with employers to make sure we teach skills the job market wants so our approach works in the real world and makes a difference.
Our Impact
20+ Youths Trained
100+ Youths impacted
Why the Skilled Workforce?
Young people in Buea struggle to find jobs because their schooling doesn’t match what employers need. Even with diplomas, many lack the practical skills and work habits to succeed in a tough job market.
This problem becomes more severe since there is a lack of proper advisors or mentors who can assist them in preparing for the actual work environment.
Must Take Action

Problem Statement
Young people in Buea struggle to find jobs because their schooling doesn’t match what employers need. Even with diplomas, many lack the practical skills and work habits to succeed in a tough job market. This problem becomes more severe since there is a lack of proper advisors or mentors who can assist them in preparing for the actual work environment.
Companies find it hard to recruit staff with critical work skills such as soft skills and technical skills. Even more importantly, there are very few programs or coaches to train the younger generation in such important core aspects. Such qualities as discipline, consistent effort and good work ethics are fundamental to one’s career growth and development.
In order to address these problems, we propose a project that aims at cultivating important competitive skills by organising training in the promising sectors such as IT, project management and other relevant areas. We’ll set up a game-changing mentorship program to instil professional attitudes and work ethics in young people making sure they’re better prepared for the job market. What’s more, we’ll team up with companies and institutions to help place trained youths in jobs, which will make it easier for employers to find qualified candidates. We’ll put special focus on supporting young women between 15 and 25 making sure they have equal chances in training and employment.
This project has the goal to cut joblessness, boost job readiness, and build a skilled workforce that can push economic growth in Buea. But if we don’t tackle this skills gap, we’ll keep seeing high unemployment rates. This will hold back young people from adding to the economy and lead to wasted talent. Businesses will have a hard time finding qualified workers, which will slow their growth and hurt the community’s overall progress.
Our plan tackles the pressing need to build skills while also helping young people grow in all areas. We set up mentoring to change how they think and work. We team up with employers to make sure we teach skills the job market wants so our approach works in the real world and makes a difference. If we don’t step in, young people in Buea women will keep facing big roadblocks to getting jobs. This keeps the cycle of poverty going and stops many from reaching their full potential. By focusing on this group, we want to lift up a whole generation and lay the groundwork for lasting economic growth.