A Report On A TV Presentation By GoGreen Technologies On The 29th Of February 2020 Concerning Climate Change
The purpose of these program on TV was to sensitized the public about what we are face now as a result of climate change due to our poor disposal of waste from our household. It was also to create an awareness to the public that with the youths together with us we could join hands in one accord and fight against this effect of climate change.
The program started at exactly 2pm with the welcome speech by the TV coordinator and also the president of the Youth Empowerment Actor Mr. Tambe Henry which launch us the GoGreen technologies team to the public on air. The following were discussed on the TV show;
What are the effect of poor waste management on Agriculture which was handle by the Secretary General of the group? With regards to this, some of what she mentioned was; these plastic waste is non- biodegradable and as such they tend to render the soil not fertile for the cultivation of crop thereby leading to poor yield.

Also we discussed how plastics can be used in the technological field which was handle by one of our two of our volunteers Miss Shalom and Mr. Ange together with program director Mr. Agbor Benjamin. With regards to this point they said the plastics could be recycled into another product which will also be beneficial to the environment and humanity at large

Reports from our two volunteers, miss Shalom and mr. Ange
Also the program director added by saying that these plastic contain toxic gases such as Methane and Ethylene when release to the atmosphere are dangerous to the ozone layers

Thirdly we had a report from another one of our volunteer Miss Meiva on the benefit of volunteerism and she report on air that volunteerism give one that opportunity to gain experience and it was a nice idea for her to volunteer in GoGreen in order to help build humanity again.

- fourthly, we had some report on the executive director of GG Tech Team Mr. Awejan Emmanuel on the various project GG Tech is having at hand such as the environmental project which will be on nursing and planting of trees using Plastics, the technological project which will be the molding of blocks using plastic and sand and the educational project which will be on sensitizing the population on climate change and how we can combat that effect. Also he called on the public for those who wish to volunteer to come and let make things happen in Africa.

After the interview by the Youth Empowerment Actor Leader on the TV show with people sending in their comments with regards to the topic which lasted for an hour, the session had to end at the reciting room where we were ask about the program, the various praises which were given and some drawbacks that we had and as well as the organizers of the TV program, after that we both parted our ways.
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