Green City Achievements so Far!
With the reduction in tree cover there is a reduction in the natural incidence of carbon dioxide, this makes the depletion of the ozone layer worse and adds on to the global warming.
Our Impact
5000+ people sensitized
44+ community reach
Why Green City?
If all these findings are not checked, then it will lead to further deterioration of lands, increase in desertification, occurrence of more frequent droughts and interruption of water cycles thus exerting more pressure on the city.
There are high chances of increased air pollution, heat island effect, and energy demands in the urban centres, and all the negatives that come with it health wise and otherwise, especially to the youthful population as well as the girl child.
Must Take Action

Problem Statement
The Buea region is undergoing baffling temperature rising tendencies due to high emissions of carbon dioxide. These emissions are results of improper disposal of wastes, vehicular and machinery emissions, and deforestation without replanting. With the reduction in tree cover there is a reduction in the natural incidence of carbon dioxide, this makes the depletion of the ozone layer worse and adds on to the global warming. On the same vein, the bad policies towards the urbanisation of the place still persist, and there has been little or no effort towards regreening making the city generally hot and the environment unhealthy.
Also, agricultural productivity has also been affected by soil erosion and deforestation squeezing crop production and threatening food safety for the population. In the main, people are not aware on how deforestation and pollution relate to these. Such lack of awareness, interaction and education obstructs the people’s desires to improve the surroundings by destruction of trees resulting in a chain of detrimental effects such as less consumption of carbon dioxide, pollution of the air resulting to excessive amounts of greenhouse toxins in the atmosphere and increased numbers of patients with health diseases such as cancer and other respiratory diseases caused by gas exposure.
If all these findings are not checked, then it will lead to further deterioration of lands, increase in desertification, occurrence of more frequent droughts and interruption of water cycles thus exerting more pressure on the city. There are high chances of increased air pollution, heat island effect, and energy demands in the urban centres, and all the negatives that come with it health wise and otherwise, especially to the youthful population as well as the girl child.
The measures put forward by the Green City Project regarding these setbacks include large-scale tree planting to deal with CO2, restoration of ecosystems, and conducting awareness creation exercises in the society on the effects of climate change. These interventions shall not only address the negative impacts of climate change but also ensure that our future generations live in a cleaner environment in the urban settings. If solutions are not found, the city can expect worse climatic events, increased food insecurity along with a missed chance of creating new job opportunities through green industries and economic development.