EYODS Achievements so Far!

The “Educating Youths on Digital Sustainability with Emphasis on the Girl Child (EYODS)” project has trained over 500 youths in Buea-Cameroon, equipping them with essential IT skills and digital literacy, thus improving their employability and participation in the digital economy.

Our Impact


2 500+ Expressed of Interests


800+ Registrations


400+ Trained Youths

Achievement so Far!

The “Educating Youths on Digital Sustainability” project has shown significant impact across its cohorts. In Cohort 1, 41 youths expressed interest, 35 registered, and 25 completed the training. This initial success laid a foundation for Cohort 2, where 422 youths expressed interest, 180 registered, and 120 completed the training, marking substantial growth. Cohort 3 saw an impressive surge with 1825 expressions of interest, 627 registrations, and 167 completions. The increasing numbers highlight the program’s growing reach and effectiveness in providing valuable digital skills to youths, significantly enhancing their employability and contributing to bridging the digital literacy gap.

Growth Curve!

GoGreen Technologies

Current Cohorts

UpComing Cohorts

Past Cohorts

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