Project Manager: Awejan Emmanuel
Project Coordinator: Ngonge Meiva
Project Sponsor: GoGreen Technologies(GG TECH)
Resource Manager: Mapong Louise
In the face of an urgent demand for environmentally responsible water management, GoGreen Technologies is pleased to present the “Community Water Audit and Infrastructure Development Project 2024.” The objective of this effort is to address issues related to water by carrying out comprehensive assessments of the current infrastructure and putting specific improvements into place. Through encouraging community involvement, creative thinking, and cooperative efforts, the initiative aims to guarantee fair access to potable water while establishing the groundwork for enduring resilience and sustainability in our locality.

Community Water Audit And Infrastructure Development Project Description:
The goal of the “Community water audit and infrastructure development” project is to improve some remote parts of the city of Buea (Southwest region, Cameroon) water quality while also advancing community health. The project aims to improve community well-being and access to clean water by conducting a thorough assessment of the city’s water infrastructure, repairing damaged public taps in remote areas, donating water purifying agents to hostels, holding workshops on water conservation, and running online public awareness campaigns.
Goals/Reasons for project:
The “Community water audit and infrastructure development” project is crucial for several reasons:
1. Access to Clean Water: Ensuring that all locals, no matter where they live, have access to clean and safe drinking water is ensured by fixing broken public taps. This is a basic human right that is necessary to preserve communal health and well-being.
2. Improved Water Quality: The project intends to improve the quality of water kept in tanks by giving water purifying chemicals to hostels and offering guidance on their use. Inadequate treatment causes poor water quality in several of Buea‘s hostels, endangering the health of its occupants. Encouraging better overall health outcomes and preventing waterborne infections are two benefits of improving water quality.
3. Community Empowerment: Community members are equipped with the knowledge and abilities to manage water resources properly by attending seminars on resilience and water conservation. This helps not just families and individuals but also the community as a whole by making it more resilient to problems relating to water.
4. Long-Term Sustainability: The project’s emphasis on community involvement and infrastructure improvement creates the groundwork for long-term sustainability in water management. The project seeks to ensure the efficient use of existing resources and reduce water waste by solving infrastructural challenges and encouraging water-saving behaviors. This will contribute to environmental resilience and sustainability.
5. Public Health Impact: Public health is directly impacted by ensuring that everyone has access to clean water and by encouraging improved water quality, which lowers the prevalence of waterborne illnesses and enhances general health. The project can have a positive effect on community members’ health outcomes by addressing water quality issues at their source and enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their water usage, especially vulnerable populations like students living in dorms.

Project Objectives:
- Make a comprehensive evaluation of the city’s water infrastructure to pinpoint locations in need of repair, with an emphasis on replacing broken public taps in outlying areas to guarantee that every citizen has fair access to clean water.
- Provide guidance on how to use water purifying chemicals, including chlorine, to 20 hostels with water tanks in order to enhance the quality of the water and improve the health of the hostel occupants.
- To promote greater knowledge and awareness within the community, arrange workshops for members to learn about water resilience, water quality-affecting variables, and other related issues.
- Use GoGreen Technologies’ social media platforms to organize online public awareness campaigns that will increase community involvement, educate people about water conservation, and urge them to contribute to initiatives to enhance the quality of their water.
Project Timeline:
Week 1: June 4th – June 10th
Search for opportunities for improvement by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the city’s water infrastructure, paying particular attention to broken public taps in outlying areas. This entails assessing the state of the current infrastructure physically, recording the findings, and determining which repairs are necessary.
Week 2: June 11th – June 17th
- Provide 20 hostels with water tanks with purification chemicals (like chlorine) and succinct instructions on how to use them. This provides guidelines for dosages, application techniques, and safety measures to guarantee efficient water filtration and enhance hostel occupants’ health.
- Note that in a hostel, about 150 people live there and so this distribution of purification chemicals will help many of these hostel occupants’ who are of course mostly students.
Week 3: June 18th – June 24th
Organize workshops for community members to educate them on water conservation techniques, factors affecting water quality, and water resilience topics. These workshops will be interactive and engaging, featuring presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities to promote active learning and knowledge retention among participants.
Week 4: June 25th – July 1st
- Launch online public awareness campaigns through GoGreen Technologies’ social media platforms (that is Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter) to raise awareness about water conservation and promote community engagement. This includes creating informative posts, videos, infographics, and quizzes to educate followers about the importance of water conservation and encourage them to take action in their daily lives.
- Public taps that were identified as damaged and needed reconstruction during the first week will be done reconstructed during this period.
Targeted Partnerships:
- Local government agencies responsible for water management and infrastructure maintenance
- Hostels and educational institutions in Buea
- Environmental organizations and community groups advocating for water conservation and sustainability
Expected Outcomes:
- Better public tap accessibility and functionality in outlying locations, guaranteeing every resident fair access to clean water.
- Improved water quality in dorms via the application of purifying agents, which supports improved health outcomes for dorm occupants.
- A greater understanding and consciousness of water conservation methods and variables impacting water quality among community members.
- Increased community involvement and engagement in initiatives to build water resilience, which will eventually improve community health and water management techniques.
GoGreen Technologies hopes to significantly improve the city of Buea’s water quality and general well-being by putting the ” Community water audit and infrastructure development ” project into action. This will help to build a resilient and sustainable community.
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